Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sick Day

David wakes up with GI problems and I amfeeling a bit nauseated myself--I wonder if it is motion sickness. I went up to a presentation about the  next port of call, but had to leave before the talk was over. Both David and I, as well as many others on the ship, we find out later, are quite sick with nausea, vomiting and diahrrea. I am feeling so bad that I can barely stand for the life vest drill. I go to visit the doctor and with an interpreter, give my symptoms and say David is sick too. The doc gives us antibiotics, nausea pills and offers me an injection for nausea which I acceptDavid and I  spent the entire day in bed--it felt better to be horizontal. The staff came by with a bland diet tray, some of which I was later able to eat, consumme and tea. Many people are sick. We think it must have been the fish, but of course no one really knows. The doctor came by about 4 to see how I was doing, but I could not finish my conversation with him at the door as I had to run to the toilet. 
We completely missed the port stop today at Uglitcsh. Our only consolation was that it was raining anyway.
We skip dinner and the staff brings more bland diet. Hopefully we will be better tomorrow.

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